Discover 3 Proven Strategies to Double Your Sales Without Getting More Leads

Many clinicians, if they’re out there trying to make a big impact, are always wondering: How should I invest my time? Where do I put the energy?  Do I do paid advertisements? 

How do I get my message out to the world?”

What I have found is that it’s very difficult to do all things well. One of my early mentors taught me something called structure equals freedom. If you’re going to be very proficient, be able to scale, grow, and master tasks, then you need to use a proven system that works.

Recently, I interviewed Tom Jackobs. Tom is known as the IMPACT Pilot, helping businesses create impact by navigating them to converting leads into clients, through sales and the Power of Presentation, Performance for more Profits.

Tom has been an entrepreneur for 30+ years. His real passion has always been in wellness and helping others live a healthy life.  His fitness center, Body3 Personal Fitness, which he sold in 2017, helped over 1000 clients find a healthier way of life.

He now runs a “conversion center” (his fancy way of saying lead nurture) which nurtures leads into book appointments for wellness practitioners, fitness centers and course creators.   Not only that, but he also teaches them how to sell by using the power of story and performance in every presentation.

Tom runs a program called the Content Cure. This is the best, most affordable, dialed-in system and structure that I’ve had the pleasure of incorporating in some of the practices I have! 


Tom Sorry for the long intro, but I want people to know how important today’s conversation is. So tell us what got you into understanding the need for follow up nurture value based relationships. As opposed to just paid advertising?


Yeah, so I really figured this out in my own fitness business, which I had for 10 years and I sold that four years ago. And in the first couple of years I I almost went broke, you know, working, you know, the most brand new businesses, you’re working 15 hours a day, you’re training clients, you’re working with people, and you try to do this marketing, you tried to do sales, and I just wasn’t getting it. And I would always try to go for that. You know, that first person that came in and was like, Oh, do you want 10 sessions, and then try to try to sell them 10 sessions and just try to get them out, would you?

And it just wasn’t working. And until I figured out how to nurture prospects, a lot of people even if they raise their hand and say, “Hey, I’m kind of interested I filled out your form on your website”, but they don’t return your phone calls. They don’t or when they do they come in, they’re like, yeah, maybe maybe not. And then it’s just, it’s not the right time for them. And when I started nurturing those, and this is, you know, 10 years ago, we had email and maybe a little bit of Facebook. So I would send an email each week and just kind of tell the story about what was going on and then have a very soft call to action. I tell you what, I had people that were on my list for two years, two years that finally took action because one something triggered them in the in the email itself, but also the time was better for them or they just been to the doctor and they got a diagnosis for high blood pressure or cholesterol or, or whatever happened in their life that they needed to do something now had I not been showing up consistently in their email box, or now on social media on YouTube on wherever those those patients are. If you’re not showing up on a regular basis, they’re gonna forget about you. They’re gonna go to Dr. Google, and they’re gonna find somebody else.


Yes, that’s exactly what I experienced. Tom, I wasn’t a marketer. It was the 10 sessions and I would get a 48 session package and I’d be tickled to death before we’d get them on reoccurring or long term offers. So I know that all too well. But also the fact that you know, email marketing was my boom into really growing our practice in our business, you know, and when I started coaching others and scaling our medical fitness license, we’d tell the other doctors to do email even though I would give them here’s the first 12 emails you send, they would go right to promotion or newsletter or something. That was like pulling away from the value that needs to be built in the ongoing, even though you have a very specific system you want to educate through email and social and a private group, but you still have like a systemized process to give value and then get them over into community. Where you can even go further than just email. So can you tell me how that evolution with social media really made a pivot and how people could connect with their audiences?


Absolutely. So it’s, it’s the three E’s that you gave the first two weeks, which is great, and educate, engage, and then ultimately, you will enroll those patients because you’re getting them and this is a system that we have. So somebody gets into your ecosystem, your marketing system, somehow you did a webinar or you run an ad. The first thing that you should do is obviously fulfill on whatever the promises for that ad, but the second thing is invite them to a private Facebook group, a community or a community group. It doesn’t have to be on Facebook, but a community group where there’s other like minded people that are in this group that are going after the same issue. And when you niche down to a specific issue or specific demographic, now you’re going to build this community of like minded people, and basically build your tribe. And you will, you’ll be amazed if it’ll be easy for people to self select out. Also, that if they’re not a good fit, but what a lot of if you don’t mind if I share my screen here, this is a visual that I like to show. This is the typical marketing that we’d like to do is the iceberg marketing. Right? We go for the people at the top of the iceberg that have urgency that knows you that are action takers, right? The people that you know, that we’ve talked to in terms of booking appointments for our practitioners, a lot of people are cold, they’re actually pretty warm, because they’ve seen the webinar or they’ve done their research already and they know who you are. So they’re already kind of a warm audience and it’s the 2% of the people that are at the top of the iceberg. The ones at the bottom of the iceberg. You know, they need a little bit more nurturing and hand holding. And a lot of people that I work with myself included back when I had the fitness center, like who’s got time for that? Why, why, you know if I can’t get them right now, and it’s not a good lead for me. Yeah. And I think that is just the wrong attitude to have when you’re trying to market and help people.


This is the long game you know, it’s not saying that, you know, a lot of my clinics don’t use paid advertising. That’s like the top of the iceberg just like you’re saying if somebody’s searching, I got back pain on Google right now. They’re calling and looking for an answer. That’s great. But if you’re doing cash paid, functional regenerative versus this acute, urgent, let me get there and get it done. It’s relationship, it’s, is this money out of my pocket worth this? Can they get me a result? My case is too complex. All these stories that if you don’t educate, show social proof, give blogs to their problems, and really show them a different path than what they’ve all been indoctrinated with. If insurance doesn’t cover it, it’s not good. Or, hey, my doctor surgeon should have this answer already. Right? We like to believe what we already have is good. So this is a new relationship, just like if somebody is already married. Now you got it. You’re dating them on the side. So if you’re not doing that by really showing how you’re different, unique special, you’re going to have a hard time from people stepping away what’s already safe and comfortable and that’s what education nurturing because people are still looking to have their problem solved if they don’t feel great are able to do the things that they love, but trust and you’ve heard all heard know like love and trust. But at the same time, there’s a strategy here, and there’s automation and there’s all these things that again, clinicians and practitioners myself if you’re not a tech lover or be like on the computer you want to be with patients and you engage. Tell me a little bit about you know, how you learn to make this scalable for multiple clinicians, clinicians, because of the advances of technology today.


Yeah, it’s pretty amazing. And I love technology. And I love automation. I love process. And when you’re looking at this picture right here that you said it before, it’s the long game. It’s the nurture, it’s the farming. Now a lot of people like to hunt for their leads, and that’s okay for again, those 2% But we can’t eat meat all the time. We have to have vegetables, and that’s where the farming comes in. So it’s that long game. And so what we’ve done is put together what I call the patient finder framework, and this is the set at the center of it is that perfect, ideal patient. And, you know, the first thing is let’s get them into a community so that again, yourself, there’s self selecting out. If the community isn’t right for them great. They’re not probably a good not a right fit for your practice. So we want to do that. We also want to email on a regular basis because not everybody is on Facebook, not everybody’s on social media. We just had somebody that we booked a consultation for one of our doctors and they’re like in their 70s and they’re like, Yeah, you sent me these electronic forms. We can’t fill them out. Can we just come to the office and write them and everybody’s like, what but you know, some people aren’t aren’t into that. So yes, you need to email as well and Instagram and Facebook business page, which by the way, Facebook isn’t going to show any of your posts on on the business page. To anybody on their newsfeed that’s paid to play. However, if people go to your business page and you have a post from 2005, they’re going to go “is this practice really still operating?”. So it’s still important to have some currency on the business page, even though those posts aren’t going to get shown necessarily to everybody, even the followers. And then of course, you know, Twitter and LinkedIn now is becoming a very cool platform for functional and regenerative medicine, because that’s more of the professional market and the ones that can afford the services most most of the time


Being self-insured. I want to pause on that, being in regenerative and functional our biggest influx in regenerative medicine, more self insurance companies, the cost of insurance work comp injuries so they are involved from corporate wellness even in our fitness days. We are doing nearly a million dollars a year in corporate wellness before we incorporated the functional the regenerative now that they’re scrambling an opportunity to do so I always encourage anybody, not only LinkedIn but get involved in your community that’s part of a marketing plan, email digital grassroots. So you know in when you are already interviewing other practitioners, you can use that as part of your social strategy to leverage you to different audiences, but self insured and corporations trying to get healthy right now in talks are still one of the best performing things and it’s no different. This is the best strategy to that. You went and talk to them. You’re the expert now you get them in your community to begin the relationship and engage now you’re so much more than every other clinic in terms of putting out high quality stuff which I’m sure we’ll get your to in a minute. 


not only that, but when you’re on LinkedIn constantly and somebody from HR is looking at your feeds are like wow, this, this doctor is everywhere that I’m at. Maybe we should have them come in and do a corporate talk and they’re thereby you know, further promoting what what you do, for sure. So then, you know, once you kind of get this ecosystem and get all your content out everywhere, which I’m sure a lot of people are going how am I going to post all that to all those different mediums. There’s technology that will do it for you and their services as well they can do that for you as well. So it’s become a lot easier to make one post that goes out to all of those media outlets, so it doesn’t take as much time as natively going on each application and posting. So then, when you have this community and the private Facebook group or the community group, you need to invite people to it so the email invite, you know, once they become a part of your ecosystem, the second or the third email that goes out to them, there should be a strong call to action to join the private Facebook group. And you’re selling the private Facebook group as a way to get more education and to get better access to you. And one thing that we do is we provide Facebook Live bullet points so that you can go live into the private group once a week. You already have kind of a list of things to talk about so you don’t have to come up with content necessarily but you know, talk from your heart and tell some good stories and engage with the audience that’s on that’s on in your private group. And so building that community, again, is long term, right? It’s not going to happen in a month. People aren’t going to interact with your posts straightaway. But after a while they see these engaging posts that are asking questions, having little challenges along the way. They’re going to start to get more involved and start to ask more questions. And one of the things that we do is we are agents that are doing all the posting and the commenting and moderation of the group. They’re listening for buying signals. And then ask you know, doing a direct message or private message to those individuals and saying, hey, you know, you’re asking some really good questions. Would it be appropriate to schedule a free 15 minute discovery? And that way, you’re you. You’re just not posting for posting sake to get more followers, because followers don’t mean anything unless you’re getting patients from it. And and then you really need to be proactive and have somebody being proactive about soliciting people that are interested to take that next little step. 


I love that you said that Tom as so many people have paid agencies to grow followings, internal employees to do things. And at the end of the day, there never is an ROI because there’s not a process sequence step in strategy to get them on to that 15 minute discovery call or booking the appointment or on to the webinars or engaging in their lives. This is a true engagement strategy for those that come off your email list to go so much deeper and the basically the structure that I’m sure we’ll get to how the contents pulled out. He’s got two different offers and what we’ll kind of talk about at the end that really combine this and it’s such an elite strategy that if done over time, I’ve never seen anything like this and it’s so beautiful. I want one other point before we move into the system. There are so many people, some of the main objections I hear are like, if I put all this great content or stuff out there, other people are going to grab it. So that’s one advantage of a private group and Academy not that private people couldn’t come in there that are competitors. This is just what I hear the likes of like Tony Robbins and those they always say give your best away. It doesn’t matter. It’s just free information. Even give some basic programs away free at some time. It’s when they need to come for you for health care, get those labs checked or get an injection in their back. They’re gonna trust you. So education, give it away but secondly, is your patient’s retaining. Most people leave because they are unhappy with their experience. So meaning they went to another doctor they didn’t feel listened to, understood or know all their options, right. So now you’re providing that so when you get these people coming in, and they’re into your clinic, and you’re giving them all this education, you’re showing up live or doing a blog or an email once a week, that is customized and value added. They feel like they’re involved in oh my goodness, I found this community and family. I wish I had known this about 20 years ago. That’s called the commitment principle that Cialdini talks about when somebody does something new and they get a new experience and it’s different from what they’ve had before. That’s it. So I don’t want you to worry about your competition. You just have to provide a better experience than their previous one. And when you get into this type of community educating like this, there’s very few clinics in the world that have this automation, this strategy, this scale, when you’re just having to show up once a week in all reality when we show you what this is, so I can’t stress that enough.


And really on the competition side, they can copy your content all day long, but the one thing in your business that they cannot ever copy is you and your personality the way that you practice. And it took me a while to realize that and I was like, Oh, I can’t give away my workouts like a push up as a push up. You can do it 500 different ways but at the end of the day, a push up is a push up and I wouldn’t give out. So then I started just giving out workout programs and the other fitness centers. Like why are you giving out all this really good stuff like because nobody’s gonna do it? Exactly. The only thing that they’re gonna do is see that Tom is giving some really great information here. And if he’s giving out really great information for free, I would like to actually pay.


Yes, I wrote three books and I realized my first one was like 250 pages that nobody reads. So the third and final books are like 60 pages with the hottest information and still people probably don’t read it. Otherwise I say go to chapter three. It’s the formula and they know there’s a relationship and a value giveaway. And same with our fitness. We had a university with our workouts in our cookbooks. It was all free as we went and did those corporate talks. It’s just to get them on there, build a relationship. And then when we do our monthly or systematic discovery calls our offers the phone would ring and they already knew us it was a different ballgame.


So getting into the system then and in a way to create content, whether you do this on your own or you have us do it for you. There is a system to create really good content consistently over time and not spend too much time doing. So the first is to have a theme for the week. Whatever that thing might be this week. The theme that we have going on is sleep. So there’s many different ways that you can slice the sleep problem, or you know talking about sleep, right? So it doesn’t matter if you’re repeating the same content every eight weeks or 12 weeks, just come up with 12 themes that you can do over 12 weeks and just rinse and repeat is just a different angle to the same topic. So people don’t remember what they ate for breakfast yesterday, let alone what you wrote on your blog three months ago. So don’t worry about repeating yourself. So you have your weekly theme and then you write a story email around that theme. And the reason that story is so important is you could give facts and figures all day long and people will just just click off your email. But if you’re integrating a story of a friend or a patient or some kind of infotaining people, then they’re going to read the email and they’re going to go wow, this is really good information. And at the end of the email, you have a soft call to action to book a discovery call or to join the private Facebook group. But at the core of it you have your information that’s built into this theme email, and then off of that theme you come up with daily content. So you just pick up you know, every day has a different topic to it. So Motivation Monday, Tuesday, you want to aggravate the problem Wednesday, you want to offer a little tease of a solution Thursday, aggravate the problems more and give a little bit more of a solution and duel Facebook Live on Thursdays and then Friday just kind of lighten things up do a funny mean. I think we do like some challenges, sometimes fun facts and things like that. And then Saturday we do challenges and give an exercise and then Sunday a recipe. So I mean it’s once you have a structure like that set up. Now you have your theme and go okay, what’s a really good recipe for sleep? Right? What type of foods can we come up with that will help with sleep or what exercises, what stretches that you do before bed that will prepare your body for rest. Super, super easy. It’s not you know brain science in any sense of the word because you need these in very small chunk bubble formats that people will digest easily. So that’s the daily content. And then step three is just schedule it. So there’s plenty of scheduling software out there. We happen to use one called Content Studio, and it allows you to schedule all on the different platforms all at one time. So it’s like super, super easy. And you can even do it from Canva. So you can do your design on Canva and then schedule it right there on Canva as well. So super easy to do. And then in your private group where you’re giving away all your best content is in your private group and then repurposing some of that on the public sites. You want to make sure that you’re responding daily. And if you’re not doing it, somebody does it for fun on your behalf. But you get some type of interaction like this. Somebody’s saying, Yeah, I eat everything but I can’t identify what fruit is in the middle. It’s awesome. It’s rubbish. Do you know and it’s a little bitter, but it’s good in the south. So making these little comments, do a couple things. One, it creates engagement and people feel heard. You know there’s nothing like going to a party or a Facebook group, and nobody answering your questions or responding to you, especially not the admin of the group. And then Facebook loves that as well. So the more engagement that you’re getting in your group, the more they will show all of your posts to all of the group members. on their feet. And this is something that Facebook loves community groups because it keeps them on Facebook. So they’re more likely to show posts from a group in somebody’s feed on a more regular basis and I noticed this probably about a year ago. Some of the groups that I was in, I was starting to get a lot more content from that group. And I realized that group, there’s a lot of activity going on and the more that I checked into that group, the more information I got on my feet so it’s a really interesting cycle there. So definitely responding and then inviting bookings strategically and again, this is on a private message. You don’t want to be overly promotional in a public forum. One Facebook doesn’t like that and community groups if you’re overly promotional, they’ll shut it down really fast. But also other people if they see that all you’re doing is asking people to book a call book a call book a call, and they’re going Why am I going to make a comment if all I get back is book a call? I know I’m going to book a call. And so that’s why we want to just do that privately on site. So that’s kind of five steps that we go through to create content consistently and a lot of content as well.



Take a picture of this because this. It’s gold. It’s a strategy that it’s so good. So value rich and then when automated. It becomes like just like it says there a snowball one month into this you know our clinics that I just started a couple months into this and by getting set up is the first week getting understanding of the rhythm that the value there’s so much in there from the testimonials to the content to the themes and then like the whole strategy of getting in. I’ve been involved in content marketing for a long time, but it even took me a minute to wrap my head around it because tech isn’t my strength, even though their team does it all, but I’m just seeing how the whole system connects together and unfolds just like the one theme. Now there’s even another service he’s just showing one component of content creation where they do your blogs, your YouTube, everything that even connects with this on a higher strategy and how they connect together is special. It’s awesome. So I know you have those types of systems. I highly recommend if you’re spending hours a week in the system, our practitioners are really showing up for a 10 to 15 and this is not even what he showed here, a 10 to 15 minute YouTube video per week that gets transcribed put into a blog gets emailed out, invites them to the discovery call or the community and that helps your SEO your content when people are landing on your website. So that’s one formula that YouTube multiplier, but then there’s this content here where it’s everything from the engagement. You know, it’s like I always said it doesn’t matter what you got to use for bait to get them in. You got to get somebody in there and then be able to give that education and freedom health freedom is truly about educating them to where they believe that they’re actually getting the education that they’re changing their life and changing their habits. And that’s just simply not done if the crappy marketing that is getting them in there and getting them dependent on the drugs, the procedures. This is true when you look at it as the way that you really want to do it, and even have your patients and clients become advocates for their families. I can’t think of a better way to do this beyond just the ROI that comes from this type of automated system that saves you massive time, energy effort. It’s a no brainer. I wish I would have found this years ago I would have hundreds of people working with Tom truly. But he I’m sure in his entrepreneurial journey has had to learn how to focus just like we all do to say here’s the best way I can deliver this. He’s not doing 75 things. He’s doing a few things at the highest level I’ve seen. So I don’t mean to over promote your time but it’s really that big of a value. Where I hope people would be incredibly impressed and happy with the whole system. So anything that they can do to connect with you right away. Or any other info that I missed that is pertinent to this conversation.


Yeah, so the best way to figure out what we can do for you or even just to come up with a strategy even if you use our services or not. I’d love to connect and at least offer you a free call to do strategy with you. It’s I’ll send you the link up there too. If you want to give that out to folks. That’s the best way. The other is business Lead Maximizer YouTube” And that lists out a little bit what we do with the YouTube multiplier aspect. Yeah, I’ll tell you one thing. One thing on the YouTube multiplier, so I’ve been doing YouTube for embarrassingly enough like seven years and just looking at my stats the other day, and it was only in this last year. I’ve doubled my subscribers, but it came from doing YouTube videos every single week. And it’s recording you know, coming up with the script, recording it, editing it, going into the description, do all this and finally I systemized it now I just shoot the video and give it to my team to then do all the other stuff to it. But this is what it’s done for me personally on YouTube. You know, I have 1300 subscribers, which is not a lot and people are like, oh you need like a million subscribers to monetize your channel. Yeah, if you want to be paid by YouTube, but I’m not interested in being a YouTuber. So I’m more interested in, am I getting my ideal clients and I tell you what, I’ve had probably a dozen strategy calls from people who just saw my videos and said hey, I’m coming interested in learning about your YouTube multiplayer or this program. What could you do for me? I’ve had sponsorship opportunities, which I haven’t taken, but people have approached me for sponsorship of different programs. And so while you know, I only have, you know, 1300 followers, things have happened, and in terms of monetizing that time that I’ve spent creating this channel and being consistently delivering quality content over time, so don’t Yeah, it’s a long game. Definitely a long game, but I got it.


So highlight on that, that I want everybody to really anchor into Tom is a very successful entrepreneur. He’s had the discipline to show up for years doing the same thing for a long time. If you look at any professional athlete, any entrepreneur’s discipline to providing value and content is a long game but a definite game. changer for the elite in consistency. I have fallen victim to having too many businesses and too many hands into different pots where I’ve paid a lot of content producers to do my Instagrams, banners and everything like that. Even the copy on most of it is a secret revealed here is I don’t like social media. I don’t like it at all. I like speaking at events and talking and connecting and doing that as part of the game but I found over the years it sucks my time and my energy and I don’t like it so I’ve outsourced it but this strategy and system to show up this way just do a video that’s that top like I like but then all behind the scenes this Manage it’s engaged. It’s followed up for less than I’ve ever paid anybody else to do this. But for emails, the blogs, the YouTubes to everything so like, you know the offers on each one of them are ridiculous and I promise you, you cannot do this on your own. And even scratch the level of excellence of B roll videos of testimonials of the interviews based on how he systematizes this. I promise you out of nearly everything that I brought to my audience that could make a difference. This one from an ROI of saving your time in the system and quality. It just can’t be done more affordably and that’s truly heartfelt so thankful I found this and that you sharing your time and even want to thank Lee for introducing you to me. Because it’s epic, guys, and you should get on that discovery call and learn how you can do this. It’s truly the ticket from the content delivery side of things.


Oh, thank you for saying that. I appreciate it. Now I’m thinking I need to raise my prices, 


You know, you probably do! I like the other services that I was doing but for one I was paying $800 for two emails slash blogs, and are just two emails and a newsletter styled and daily postings, right but no engagement no anything. I liked it. The copy was done. The newsletters were good, but it didn’t get them to the next steps in the progress and filtering the lead. So it didn’t provide an ROI. And if you’re listening to this, this provides an ROI because it’s to the discovery call. It’s to the system. It’s off the email list into a further conversation. And they didn’t have that automation hooked up to it. I could have but you heard me in the beginning. I’m not a techie. I’m not an automation so I felt they had a good piece of the puzzle. And I’ve had another one that did the same thing. That was 600. This other company just did the copy for you. So this is like the combination of all three of them combined, and still more affordable. So it’s that good.


I appreciate that.


So thank you all and appreciate you. We’ll get you those links below and we’ll see you soon. Take care. Thank you, Tom.


Thanks. Sure. Appreciate it.


Tom is offering a free strategy call. Go to:

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