How Leadership and Communication Are The Keys to Leading Your Team to Redefining Healthcare

Sachin: Hello, everyone and welcome to Perfect Practice. Today, I’ve got a very special guest, a dear friend, somebody who is a confidante, somebody who I admire greatly, and somebody who has become not only a dear friend, and I would say a mentor to me as well. Welcome, JR. Thanks for being here today.


JR:  Thank you, Sachin. It’s an absolute honor. We’ve had so many opportunities to continue to grow together, learn at different Mastermind conferences and events.  To have the opportunity to grow with a colleague and mentor that I am inspired by, to be able to attend the Mastermind retreat in Hawaii with someone who is doing the work himself.  We’re in the field every single day learning how we can help more people and more of our colleagues to have the same growth that we’ve had.


Sachin: Awesome. I appreciate that, man. This is going to be a fun conversation. For those people that don’t know who JR Burgess is, they’ve been living under a rock for the last five, six years, tell us a little bit more about you.


JR: Thank you very much. My journey began at a young age where I was teased and really became very empathetic afterward because of it. Sports were how I hid my pain, and I got really good at sports because it blocked the pain. But when my sports friends would tease other people, I wanted to go sit down with them. So, from a young age I just never liked seeing people in pain. I loved sports, so went into college athletics and found personal training while going through grad school. Then the show, The Biggest Loser came out, and when people saw the doctor say, “Do you know you’re at risk of stroke, heart attack or disease?” And they started crying, I was like, “That’s it.” The doctor’s authority telling them that they must make changes is important to healthcare instead of just managed care or covering it up. So, I joined a doctor and we added medical fitness to a clinical model.

We went from 1,000 square feet to 6,000 to 28,000 square feet, started licensing medical fitness and had it in nearly 150 locations around the world, and we became one of the top volume stem cell clinics in the world at the same time. What happened is, running three seven-figure a year plus businesses, I started losing my own health, I started losing my marriage, and recognized I needed a change. So, I was bought out, out of our license, our Mastermind and clinic deal so I could work on helping frustrated practitioners add cash base services like medical fitness and regenerative medicine.


Sachin: Awesome. When I say awesome I say that because it’s brought you to where you are right now, to the understanding that you’re at right now.  It’s put you in a position where you can speak openly and freely about this because burn-out is a huge deal. Right? I know there have been bouts in my life where I feel like, “Is this burn-out because I’m starting to feel that way.” And people who really put in the time, people who really put in the effort… before we started recording we talked about this… nobody’s got it all together, including myself. Right? This is a journey, it’s a roller coaster and in order for there to be this downward trajectory you have to go up first and it’s this up and down thing with what entrepreneurship is. What would you say your greatest lesson was going through all that that you can share with us?


JR: My greatest lesson was, I’ve always been in team sports and was able to recognize how do we put everybody on the team in the best position to win and be successful. What I’ve learned along the way through leadership is, truly if you have a mission that’s bigger than yourself, it’s so important to have people choose why you’re the best fit for them. Because there are a million jobs, they can go somewhere else for one dollar an hour or two dollars an hour. If we’re going to impact the most lives, leadership is at the core of it. What I’ve learned is, when I was young and I would stuff things in,  I would be reactive. I see a lot of doctors too, they go through medical school, trying to learn everything, figuring out how I fit this into a box? They’re taught not to think so much outside of it, but to follow and not question.

So, I learned that that’s how they were taught in med school. When they come out in practice, much like myself, they want everybody to do as they say, or do the best that their job can do, or be driven. And at the end of the day, people don’t want an expert. They want to be led and to follow and to make that choice themselves.  I have to help physicians realize how to communicate, how they lead by making it about the employee, about the patient, and when you have the right happy employees leading the way and you’re leading by example, then they’re going to have amazing patient service and care. That’s why I believe we’ve had the success we have because we built a bunch of leaders that were passionate about that.

And that’s what I see at the Living Proof Institute. You have people that want to volunteer, be part of something that’s bigger than themselves.  For example, when you were initially talking to me, my instinct was to call you Doctor Patel, because I always call the docs by their formal name.  And you said, “Please, just call me Sachin.” And that right there is what really matters is what we’re talking about inspiring transformational health care is, how do we truly have a culture of leadership engagement on something that’s bigger than ourselves?


Sachin:  I love that. You’re such a humble servant of so many people, and it clearly shows why you’ve achieved such great success. I love that you started recognizing what was extremely valuable in your life. Right? Because sometimes we go after, and not to say that you did this, but I know many practitioners who are listening to this might do this, they chase success at the expense of the things that might be truly, truly important to them. And that could be our health, it could be, like you said it could be our marriage, it could be time with our children, it could be other areas of our lives that are being compromised. What would you say, if you are okay with sharing this of course, what would you say was kind of like the breaking point for you to look in the mirror and say, “okay, I’ve got this success in the business realm, in the leadership realm, but now I’ve got to really dial things up in this area of my life.” Was there a tipping point or a breaking point for you that you want to share?


JR:  Yeah, absolutely. So, growing up… because I got teased so much…. I found, not only the love of sports but drugs and alcohol. So, I got kicked out of everything in high school and that was my coping mechanism. I had to overcome that along my way. I felt like success was to prove people wrong when I first started. How do I show them that I was smart, that I was caring, that I was kind? And I wasn’t an outcome. And I did those things. I got magna cum laude. We started getting a hundred licenses around the world. It was like, “Great JR, you have success.” Even at a friend’s funeral, a mother of one of my best friends growing up says, “JR, you made your mark. What else is there to do?”

I recognized that at the end of the day, there’s nothing about success that is just about finance and about proving other people wrong. A big moment for me in changing this was finding my faith. That it was more about my contribution to the world, doing the things that I love and what I’m uniquely gifted at, and where I can contribute most. Because even at the peak before I was bought out, I was making more money than I ever thought was possible, but when I was a personal trainer I was able to work out, breathe every day. I was growing and having all these things but without my health.  Also, when I was growing up my father wasn’t there. I was now going down the same road of being what I grew up in, and at the end of the day that was my “Oh shit” moment. A moment of realization. Like “JR, you have everything that you thought you wanted of material value except for the thing you wanted most growing up, quality time with your loved ones.”

So, that was the ah-ha moment, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have your health first and aren’t able to lead your family and have that love.  I’m already so passionate about what I do in the health care realm, so I knew that wouldn’t be a problem if the first things are first. So, any practitioners that are out there that are lonely, isolated, not feeling their best, to me that is an ah-ha moment.  It is telling us to take a step back and focus on putting first things first because there is a burden and stress when you have thousands of dollars in debt. You’ve achieved success by the world’s standards, you’re supposed to have it all together, but for me, inside I was losing.  I was in getting mental health therapy. So I took a step back.


Sachin: So since taking a step back, what’s changed for you? What would you say has really been something that you can reflect back on and be like, “You know what? This was the best decision for me.” Probably something with your wife, something with your kids, I mean it could be something very subtle. But is there something that’s come up that has reinforced this decision for you?


JR:  Absolutely,  it’s quality time with my family and children. Just like we were talking before the show, in a week I’m going to Mexico for my sister’s wedding with my whole family. Two weeks after that, I’m going to Puerto Rico for a week with my family. This summer, we’re taking three weeks in Alaska together as a family. That wasn’t possible doing all those things before.  It’s putting first things first. And I’ve also built a business where I can do many things on the phone and have that flexibility… I’ve built the life that I want. My number one passions were travel, family time, experiencing the world, and so that’s the number one indicator. As we mentioned, I’m doing some of the things that I’m not so good at because I’m rebuilding my foundation, but that’s also a blessing, too.

To get to the next level, you have to really grow in something. Now that I don’t have a team of a hundred around me, I can’t outsource and delegate all those things. So, I’m having to learn that and it’s really showing up.  It’s been harder because I don’t have that same skill set, but it’s been more freeing because I’m just spending time doing the things that I love and spending more time with my family. And I know how to scale and grow a business so I know what’s next if I want to do that. But the first things will be the first, I will build on my foundation this time.


Sachin:  That’s always important, to build a business around your life, right? And now that you have a chance to do that, these priorities are going to take precedence over everything else. For anyone who’s listening to this, this kind of happened to me. At the very beginning, before I even started the institute, and now as my son grows up it’s still happening. He wants daddy’s attention more, he’s my only son so I’ve got one shot at this. I’m his only dad, right?  And his love language is quality time. So for me, as soon as he comes home, the computer shuts down. I try my best to put the phone away and not get distracted by that, because those are my priorities. Right? And you’ve got to have your priorities straight. I’m trying to get my priorities straight, and it’s a constant balancing act for all of us to do that.

Speaking of experiences, we were in Hawaii at a Mastermind together, at JJ Virgin’s Mastermind, and we were hanging out and we started chatting about this really neat concept called co-opetition. So, I’d love to talk about that and I’d love to talk about the new book that you’re putting together because I think our listeners can get a lot of value out of that. And I’d love to hear about this concept of the scrum. So, why don’t we start with co-opetition, why don’t you define that for us?


JR: Absolutely. Co-opetition is a combination of competition, where the objective is to compete, win and beat your competitor, it’s where a lot of people are trained growing up in sports, and cooperation, which is not a clear winner, but we’re all working together for a shared unanimous goal. So, it’s a combination of that. For instance, we are regenerative and pain management, right? We didn’t do chiropractic services, we did injections, non-surgically regenerative medicine or even your traditional ones.

So, there’s competition for what we provide.  Some patients like a chiropractor which is great as they’re treating back pain as well.  However, we believe in what we call co-opetition, meaning we want patients to continue their back therapy, however, if they hit a roadblock we can add the regenerative therapies and hopefully delay surgery or even avoid it altogether. So, when we cooperate together we can get a better outcome for the patient. So many people and doctors have this scarcity mindset that if I refer my patient to this place, they may not come back.  It takes both sides. Meaning if I get a referral I need to respect and honor that and send it back. And collaborate with this practitioner, make them look good.

So something like, “I’m so thankful your chiropractor sent you to me, I want you to continue to do that. This is just an adjunct, and hopefully, it can take you to the next level. It is really going to allow us to work together to have a massive transformation to get you back to doing the things that you love.” I believe that ego has to get out of the way for us to change healthcare. It’s much like rugby.  For instance, in rugby, you are going to compete against the other team, and in a scrum (or scrummage) you need that other team to hold you up.

So, if you come together, a scrum is the most dangerous position. If people fall down and don’t hold up each other, that’s how people break their neck in rugby, one of the most feared aspects of the sport. So, you need that other team to hold you up, they’re still going to try to beat you, but you need everybody on your team to play a specific role. The cool thing about rugby is at the end of the day everybody goes to the bar together, they drink together, even the competition and you’re giving high fives. Celebrating our accomplishment and game.

Versus in healthcare, you have the surgeon that says, “Oh, that nonsurgical guy doesn’t know his stuff.” Or, “chiropractic care, that doesn’t work.” Or, “Nutrition? What are you talking about?” Or, “Functional medicine? There’s no evidence in that.” Everybody is breaking down everybody else as a bad guy, or that they are somehow better than the next service.  The thing is, it’s going to take physical, internal, spiritual, mental, emotional health to truly transform one’s life just like you and I said. We may not have it all together, we can probably get coaching in each one of these areas a little bit more if it’s not at that level.

So, I strongly believe that rugby can teach us that we should be giving each other high fives if we have a mission to help our patients get better. Now, not everybody’s in it to help the patient. Some people put profits before people, but I think we have a good idea who out there we could collaborate with to help heal our patients and be in co-opetition instead of competition.


Sachin: Yeah, and it’s perfect in the sense that we got to dissolve egos, that’s what is going to be so transformational for healthcare. The doctor has to dissolve their ego, the patient has to dissolve their ego. Collaborating practitioners should work for what’s ultimately best for the consumer. Right? For the patient that they’re working with or the client that they’re working with.  They need to realize we believe in this vacuum theory where if I refer somebody to the right person and that person gets better, well the universe has my back and it’s going to replace that person and maybe even more people than that into my practice. And that’s how my practice is going to continue to grow and the patients will get the result that they want. I got that person to a certain point in their care so now I can pass them on to somebody I know I can trust.

Eventually, there are going to be people in your practice that need to go somewhere else and if you don’t develop collaborative relationships with other practitioners in your community when it’s time to send them somewhere, you won’t know who to send them to.  You want to be able to send them to someone that you know, like and trust, not just a random person where you’re basing the referral on their credentials. You want to base the referral on the actual human being that’s going to be taking over that person’s care.


JR: Absolutely. That’s a powerful point. I’ve seen you do it.  There are a few different levels of ego here. The first is what if I’m unable to help a patient? How do I refer and either keep them in-network for their insurance or let them go from my practice if that is what is best for them? The second thing is the ego of the self that you mentioned. And that’s why I’ve always been incredibly inspired by you, Sachin.  I’ve seen very few people overcome their own fear and put that message out there despite how people feel. You’ve probably gotten quite a few attacks from people that don’t believe or see the same way as you, but you inspire so many more. Can you share, because I know I’m sharing this with my audience, how you’ve been able to overcome the ego of yourself to be able to put yourself out there furiously.  I’ve seen you market like no other practitioner does.


Sachin: Well, thank you, I appreciate that. One thing I will say, and I’m actually going to be giving a presentation about this a little bit later is, the message has to be bigger than you in order for it to be a message. So, we’ve really got to get over ourselves first and foremost and realize that what’s bottled up inside of us was bottled up inside of us specifically for a reason, it’s because we’re the messenger. If the message is bigger than the messenger, then it’s almost hard to contain it. So, I’m literally bursting at the seams. I have to contain myself a lot of times actually, not because of fear of backlash but fear of overwhelming people because I have so many ideas that go through my head. I get in a zone, I get into a flow state, and now my brain is just like okay you got to get this message out there. A lot of times, to be truly honest JR, I feel like I’m channeling the information and I’m a conduit to get the message out there versus sitting down and kind of strategically coming up with a plan.

I mean, of course, many aspects of our business and marketing are strategic, I wouldn’t suggest that you just channel your entire business plan 24/7, because that’s not going to work as you’ve got other people that you need to communicate with and you’ve got a team that you’ve got to build and leadership you have to develop. But I would say for me, the thing that works the best is realizing how important the message is. Also recognizing, unfortunately, that there are very few people that have the courage to put the message out there.  So if I have to be the beacon for this message or the megaphone for this message, then so be it. I feel like at first, it was a little bit difficult for me to accept that role and I would question myself and say, “Who am I? Who am I to be this person or to be this messenger?”

But then I realized, after hearing what you said, from so many other people, I realized there’s got to be something here. I surrendered to it, and once I did I was really able to step into it and view it as a gift, and put the message out there as much as possible. As you would probably advise as well, we hired a CTO. We brought somebody on who is a professional at marketing because the thing with tech with me that was dangerous is that I let it consume me.  I used to be really, really good at computer programing. So, in university and even in high school I got perfect grades in computer programming because it’s a very logical process and you can test it and you can immediately fix it. So, I loved that process.

Now, one of the things that I recognized was an issue, is that I would constantly be writing code in my head. There’d be this constant chatter going on in my head 24/7, so I’m like, “Man, I can’t do this for a living because this would consume me.” And that’s when I went into healthcare. But ironically now, the technology part is so relevant and so important and because I have a baseline understanding that most physicians don’t, it makes me a little bit dangerous, because I know what to do but I get sucked into it again.

So, bringing on somebody else who’s an expert, who stays up to date with the changes and nuances that are constantly occurring weekly if not daily, allowed me to really step into the message and then somebody else can help with the technology and get the message out there in an affordable way. I love what you said, “I see you marketing more than any other practitioner”, and it’s because our retargeting is working. I got a funny message from my uncle. He’s like, “Man, how much money are you spending on marketing? I’m seeing you on my cricket website.” So, he doesn’t know that we’re re-targeting him and that the ads are following him and that’s why he’s seeing them. He was under the impression that like, “Oh my God, this guy’s marketing budget must be like millions of dollars.”

So, it’s great to have that sense of being everywhere. And as our mutual friend, Mike would say, “Be everywhere now.” Right? It allows us to almost do that, to be everywhere now because of how we can leverage technology, how we can leverage pixels and how we can re-target people who are avid followers. My wife was telling me this earlier and reinforcing something that we truly believe in, which is the importance of consistency.  If you do something for a short period of time and your skin isn’t thick enough, then you’re going kind of get chewed up and spit out in the online world. Fortunately for me, there have been very few instances where I’ve been attacked because I can usually defend my position strongly.

Usually, the way I communicate, and you know this and probably the listeners may know this a little bit as well, is to use as few words as possible, and in a way that’s almost poetic, but it’s almost difficult to get yourself out of that… detangle yourself from that statement because it just resonates so well. I learned that from computer programming because the way you get graded in computer coding is by how short the code is. Because the shorter the code is, the faster the computer can process the code. So, if somebody else were to write code and it was 100 lines long, and it produced the same result as myself who can write that same code in let’s say five lines, then I’m going to get a higher grade.

But it also takes less computing power for that code to be processed, and so it happened faster, it happened more efficiently. That’s one of the things, I believe, I got from my grandfather because he was really good at that, taking little sound bites that are so short but say so much. It’s one of my gifts, one of my talents. So, when Facebook came up with character limitation for their little infographics that you can create now, I was like, “Man, this is heaven for me.” So, now it’s like a challenge, how much can I say in this little bit of text? And it’s been fun. Consistency is key, really believing in the message, and also believing that you’re the messenger. That was a big revelation for me.


JR: Yeah, you’re a wizard at that, no doubt about it. My question is to the team atmosphere relating back to rugby and the power of the teams.  When you first started putting yourself out there like that it had to be uncomfortable. So, is that based on your love language, since you mentioned that already? Is it words of affirmation? Your wife? What type of support did you need to get past that consistency piece that is so important to where I now see that you’re on point, constantly pushing out there. 


Sachin: Well, here’s the thing. I realized one thing I love about myself, even though I’ve never been in a fight, believe it or not, I’ve never been in a fight in my entire life, except with my brother here and there, but never in an actual tussle.  But I love confrontation. So, the way my dopamine is wired in my brain, I actually love it when I get pushback. Again, it doesn’t happen super often, but I love controversy, I love pushing the envelope, I love getting people to think a little bit differently. If they pushback, as I said, I have a strong position so I can defend what I have to say. But the other thing is, I’m always open to learning. So, if somebody can change my position, then I’m always receptive to that and I will bow down and receive new information. My cup is never full.

That’s the other thing, my cup is always partly full. I use the equation of like a cup of coffee, so my job is to show up with a cup of coffee and life’s job is to add some sugar and cream to it. Right? We’ve got to leave a little bit of room for the sugar and cream otherwise the coffee’s black and bitter, right? Life fills up my life with sugar and cream every single day. I show up with an almost full cup of coffee, not quite full so that we can sweeten things up a little bit.


JR: You said something really powerful right there, and I think this is part of that ego that we discussed earlier and how we are going to change healthcare. I try to follow success. Jeff Bezos says he looks for team members with weakly held beliefs but strongly held opinions. Meaning, a conviction, a belief you can defend it. But if evidence presents itself differently, you are open to a different perspective or view. And that’s why if we’re going to change healthcare, it’s not going to be done by just one doctor, it’s going to be using technology. It’s going to be using basically marketing, salespeople, it’s going to be a combination. That’s where the one thing that we did at Rejuv that was different than other regenerative practices, I brought in salespeople that were once either car salesmen, supplement sales, fitness directors, that went into healthcare to get better and they were the ones talking to the consumers in cash medicine.

That one difference right there was just simply an industry switch that healthcare hadn’t seen yet in our area. It was a big difference-maker.  I hope all of you really kind of marinate in that a little bit because we don’t know what the future is going to hold. We don’t have all evidence in regenerative or functional medicine, there’s just so much to be had out there and it’s just exciting to continue to progress and learn. So, I thank you.


Sachin: Thank you, I appreciate that. This is such an emerging field. Regenerative medicine is an emerging field, functional medicine is an emerging field. We should have strong opinions and be able to defend them, but we can’t… there’s nothing that we can fully hang our hat upon. Right? Especially as information continues to grow at the scale it’s growing and knowledge continues to grow. There is timeless wisdom.  So there are certain things that we can hang our hat on, but there are certain things that we can’t. Right? There’s all this new information that’s coming out that is questioning everything we thought that we knew. There are new anatomical structures that are being discovered. I mean, some of this is proving the timeless wisdom to be true, so it’s new in the conventional model but in some other models, these were strongly held beliefs. And now these beliefs are being validated so they can become somebody’s strongly held opinion.


JR: Absolutely. So, it’s important. I want everyone to know about your event that’s coming up. I really appreciate your time and having me on. I have a list of practitioners that are looking to do regenerative, functional and lifestyle medicine and you have an amazing event that’s coming up. I really, really wanted to be there but I’m at another event. If you could tell us the premise, I know you are definitely into functional medicine, online care, cash care, helping the patient be their own doctor and best advocate. Can you tell my audience a little bit about your event and the main outcome that you’re helping the practitioner to achieve?


Sachin: Sure, thanks JR. So, the event is called Perfect Practice. The theme this year is Beyond the Brick and Mortar. The goal that I’m personally putting out there for myself and my team is that we want to impact millions upon millions of lives. We realized a long time ago that’s actually not going to happen through our practice. You can help hundreds, maybe thousands of people, but to really help millions of people you’ve got to think outside the brick and mortar. So, there are ways that we as functional medicine practitioners, and even regenerative practitioners, there are certain things that we can do in the office, and we can only do those in office. There are certain things we can do together collaboratively with our clients, oftentimes from the comfort of their home. And there are certain things that people can do themselves. So, there are three areas of our business that we want to grow, and we want to think outside the brick and mortar, be outside the brick and mortar to generate revenue outside the brick and mortar. There’s never been an easier time for that to happen.

So, regardless of what industry you’re in, the ability to generate multiple streams of income from online sources, while adding value to the world, making an impact on people’s health and in their lives, this is the best time ever. I’m so excited for 2020 and beyond because there’s a whole new opportunity that’s available to healthcare providers. One of the reasons I’m so inspired by this concept is because as a chiropractor, in the past the only way I could make an income was physically being in the office to help somebody. Now, there’s nothing wrong with that, and I loved every minute of it, but what I realized is my impact was very limited. The knowledge I had was infinite, it could help millions of people, but if I can’t get that message out there and I’m only relying on people coming in to see me, then that’s going to be a very small impact. I just couldn’t sleep at night knowing that there were more people I could help and that I was not doing anything about it. So, that’s when I started moving into the online world and that’s what I loved about social media, and specifically Facebook, I’ve been using Facebook for the last eight years now. It’s been a game-changer for us to get our message out there, to create raving fans, to create ambassadors to generate new business.

But more importantly, it’s not even about the business but the platform it has given us to help people stay out of our office. I also believe in karmic currency, which is when you do good for hundreds or thousands or even millions of people, you’re going to get paid back in so many different ways. Karmic currency buys you things, so to speak, that money can’t buy. It opens up doors for you. It brings beautiful people like yourself in my life. It brings great opportunities into your life. It builds relationship capital. There are so many things that come back to us when we put out good in the world. Of course, there is a financial component to success, but I believe that that’s the smallest component of our success. That’s just a drop in the bucket compared to how much good we can do. The other thing that I really love about being online and helping practitioners get online is it allows them to travel more, just like what you’re craving and what you doing now, which is awesome. It’s more of what I’m craving.

This beautiful planet, I want to see it and I want to go to as many countries and cities and eat as many different types of food and meet as many different types of people as possible. And I love that I can do that and still earn an income, and still make an impact no matter where I am in the world. In fact, I’m going to be going to Portugal in the second week of March with my wife. We got invited, thanks to relationship capital, thanks to karmic currency, we got invited to go to a week-long speaker training in Portugal. Basically all we have to do is cover the cost of going, the rest of the expenses were covered. So, just kind of proving my point that when you do good, that when you help other people, then there’s this reciprocal benefit and doors start opening up for you. While I’m in Portugal, I’m going to still be able to do 95% of what’s necessary for my business, and be able to continue to help people and support people and not necessarily even skip a beat.

I can travel, I can do all these other things, and I want that for other practitioners. I know that they want that for themselves and I know that their kids want that for them. And this is the time for us to kind of grab the bull by the horns and make a commitment to developing and growing our online presence, because here’s the thing, JR. The solution to healthcare isn’t necessarily more people seeing more or better doctors, it’s people not needing the doctor in the first place. So, if that’s what I want for myself, if that’s what I want for my son, if that’s what I want for your family, that’s what I should want for everyone in my community. So, we’re trying to create a different model of healthcare that puts the patient in the position of the practitioner.

We believe that the doctor of the future is the patient, and we believe that that’s actually the only solution. Certainly, people are going to need functional medicine. They’re going to need regenerative medicine. They’re going to need allopathic medicine. But if we can reduce the need of those things, then that’s when I believe people can live a much better quality of life. That’s what we all want for ourselves. I don’t think, if I’m honest with myself, I don’t want my son coming in to see somebody in my clinic. I know you don’t want your kids getting regenerative healthcare, you want them to know how to take care of themselves for a lifetime from the very beginning. And imagine the world we can create if we do that. The only way that reality can come true is if we move into the online model.


JR: I agree. That’s beautiful, and you’re not only just speaking it, but you’re also doing it, you’re modeling it, you’re showing it and showing other practitioners how to do it. My biggest and last question for you is, you’ve continued to have massive growth and success, an amazing team, amazing heart, amazing health. Still going and being responsive in an email. What do you think is the number one factor that does that for you? And in order for you to take that number to millions, to billions, which I know you’re going to do, what’s that next thing that you’re going to have to continue to up-level to get to that place?


Sachin: Sure, so I’ll actually share something that I don’t share very publicly, at least very often. It’s something I share with some of the private clients that I coach.   I think it’ll answer your question, but it’s definitely not what you’re expecting. So, there’s actually a mantra that I listen to in Sanskrit called the Hanuman Chalisa, and Hanuman is the monkey god for those of you that are familiar with Hindu gods. He’s the one that looks like a monkey. The meditation or the mantra, the song that you sing to Hanuman embodies basically all the characteristics that you would want to have as the ideal human being. To serve with love, to have humility, to have great strength, to have empathy and compassion, and so this mantra is actually spoken in Sanskrit. So, if you know anything about Sanskrit, Sanskrit is the world’s most perfect language semantically.

So, it’s not just about the words, it’s about the vibration that the works create because it brings into existence that energy. So, I listen to that every single day. I listened to it probably almost a thousand times now since November. 


JR:  You listen with your headphones, looking at the ocean? I was going to ask you that song, so you’re basically giving yourself self-incantations of nothing but the perfect human.


Sachin: Exactly. And so, I listen to the Chalisa every single day as many times as I can. It’s playing in the background while I’m checking my email. What it does is, it reminds me and installs in me the vibrational software to serve with love, to have humility, to look at everyone as myself, and see myself in other people and see them in me and just practice this idea of oneness. So, that’s the daily process for me. It’s allowed me to really up-level my game. So, it’s been really interesting since I’ve started doing that, the things that I’m calling into action are happening effortlessly. Now, one of the secrets of the Hanuman Chalisa is that it always gives you what you need, not what you want.

So, sometimes if we don’t have this attitude of gratitude, then something might go a little bit sideways and we might think of it as something negative that’s happening, but it’s exactly what we need at this moment. If we have the right attitude, then it’s going to help us grow and we’re going to be able to push through it and it’s going to help us grow bigger, better and stronger. But if we’re focused so much on what we want, what we want doesn’t always show up in the timeline that we want, right? Sometimes there might be other obstacles and it’s only an obstacle if it’s bigger than you, but there’s going to be these little bumps in the road that you need to work around our need to get over before the road starts smoothing out.

So, that’s really my tool, it’s not even a weapon, it’s a tool to help me get into the right vibrational frequency, into the right mindset, into the right coherence field with my heart, and I do everything… I don’t do any work until I’ve listened to that first. So, that’s the first thing that I do. Usually, the last thing I do before I go to bed, my whole family chants it. My son has basically memorized it. It’s pretty impressive to see how quickly a nine-year-old can learn it. And the cool thing about it is because it’s a vibrational based language, the words don’t just have meaning but there’s a vibration to them. Even if you don’t understand the words, you could listen to it and benefit from it, because it’s bringing into existence through the vibration the right circumstances.


JR: That’s beautiful. There’s so much wrapped into that, even embracing the pain that we have to go through or sometimes loving that situation which is hard to do for what it will bring you in the future, is what you’re saying. It’s beautiful. It’s really strong and it’s what we’re all going to need because building cash or an integrative or an online practice is not going to be a snap of the fingers.


Sachin: No, building a cash-based functional medicine, regenerative medicine, progressive medicine practice where it’s a completely different paradigm, you’re swimming upstream. Right? You’re jumping up waterfalls, you’re swimming upstream, but there are certain species of fish that were built for that. Right? And that’s where the reward is, that’s where the beautiful view is. But we’ve got to be strong enough to be able to do that. We’ve got to be healthy enough, we’ve got to have the right mindset, we’ve got to have the right people and the right systems to support us in order for that to happen. Many practitioners, unfortunately, don’t do that. They want to go online or they want to scale their business or they want to build a team, but there are certain skills that are required and that’s really what the event is going to be about. We’ve got many of my mentors there.

I know we were trying to get you there to speak, but we’re going to get you there when you can be there the whole time because I really want to hang out with you and really get you to experience the full event as we go through it. We’ve got three days. It’s going to be packed with lots of learning. It’s going to be packed with lots of celebration and reframing, that’s the big thing. We’re going to help reframe people’s perspective on their practices, on their personal journeys, and it’s going to be a fun weekend. So, thank you for allowing me to share that.


JR: Yeah, thank you. Thank you for having me on as you continue to inspire me. Keep doing what you’re doing, help a lot of people. So, those of you listening on my side, get there! April..


Sachin: April 3rd.


JR: 3rd through the 5th?


Sachin: April 3rd to the 5th. You can go to I think we might have a few seats left. We’re happy to host you if the time works, and if you’re the right fit this is going to be something that’s going to change your life. Just so you know, it comes with a 500% money-back guarantee because we’re confident that if you join us it’s going to be transformational for you and your practice. Well, JR, thank you so much, brother. I appreciate you. I appreciate you for many, many reasons: For being a great friend, for being a great mentor, for being such a  visionary and role model for experienced practitioners, budding practitioners, and everyone in between. How can our listeners learn a little bit more about you? Where can they go to find out more about all the awesome work you’re doing?


JR: JR Burgess is where I get the opportunity to go deeper with the practice, because that’s what I love doing now, is going directly into the practice. Seeing it, sensing it, feeling it, building what they call the five pillars of practice success. There’s not a one size fits all tool for everybody.  It’s just seeing what you need and having the impact. This is my newest book, The Influential Doctor, How to Attract and Retain Your Preferred Patients and Build a Profitable Practice That Matters. Chapter three in there really boils down to a key skill. The shortest, simplest version of what it takes to truly build a successful cash practice summarized in 10 pages. It took me over 10 years to get that down to a digestible “read it, it could change your life” type of statement. So, I’d love to send that your way.


Sachin: Okay, I’d appreciate that. Is that something that people can buy on Amazon or is that something they can get from your website?


JR: I think it went up on Amazon today. It just came out. I actually finished it in Hawaii while we were there in January, so I think it got published on Amazon today, and I got my copies last week.


Sachin: Well, I’m happy to support you and send people in that direction. I’d definitely love a signed copy from you, brother.


JR: Thank you so much, Sachin. So much love for what you’re doing in making a difference in the world. Thank you.


Sachin: Thanks, man. I love you, I appreciate you, and it was such a great conversation. Thanks for being here.


JR: Thank you.

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