3 Critical Elements for Integrated Cash Practice Success


Recently, I sat down with Justin Finneman and we chatted about critical elements for integrated cash practice success. We are here to bring to you the most important topic in all of integrated health care. 

We have helped run a top volume stem cell center having licensed our medical fitness in cash lifestyle model with over 300 clinics worldwide. Having the ability to enroll and influence patients into outcome producing services or procedures that would change their lives, makes or breaks a health practitioner’s office.  

Every month as sponsored by Kuribl, Justin and I are going to break down the necessary elements for you to learn how to better manage your teams, how to speak to your patients in exam rooms and more to help YOU run hybrid models, such as, regenerative, functional, lifestyle, and more.

In this video you will learn:

  • The most important topic in all of integrated healthcare
  • The necessary elements for you to learn to how to better manage your teams
  • Regenerative medicine and why
  • How we (Justin and I)  teach doctors to transfer that power back to the patient
  • Business is not a numbers game. It’s a relationship game
  • The importance of KPI’s and setting goals

I hope you get some great ideas from this video. We would love to answer any questions you have about adding Kuribl to your practitioner office offerings! Just send an email to Justin.Finneman@kuribl.com


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